
  • Hari Sasongko Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kristus Alfa Omega Semarang



Classical Period, arpeggio, charismatic, praise and worship


The church  music has long history. It began  when they, the believers,  mentioned themselves as the “Christian”. The existence of church  music more  developed till middle age  or  dark  age  period.  The church music  was  dominantly  covering  to  others  music  genre.  At the  Renaisance  Period  the  church  reformation movement occured and it was pioneered  by Martin Luther. Western music changed at the time. Luther changed the tradition  of Catholic  church that used Latin lirics to folk language.  At the present day we are familiar with charismatic  music tradition  which is developed from American music tradition.  It has a charracteristic which is used as the band instrument in praise  and worship by christian  believers. But sometimes, the believers also use arpeggio  or broken-chord  as the main character on Classical  Period  in part the way of Western music history. Pass through the reasearch, the reasearcher look into the idioms are used in praise and worship in STT Kristus Alfa Omega  Semarang.  The researcher found that  the using  of idiom in Classical  Period  have enriched  the nuance of music aesthetic in praise and worship


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