Music, Charismatic ChurchAbstract
The development of the church especially the music used in worship greatly evolved especially the charismatic church. This is a familiar phenomenon and is characteristic of the charismatic church. These characteristics can be seen from the genres of music used in accompanying worship. Or in other words the music used to be an identity in the charismatic church that uses the existing music is no longer dependent on the music of the church as it only uses the organ or chorus only. This is indeed quite significant development, because the elements of freedom in music to be a forward factor in charismatic. There are various types of music or musical genres used or used in accompanying worship in a charismatic church such as; Blues Music, Jazz Music, and Rock Music. Some of these genres are not really a genre of music that is suitable and suitable for use in worship, but the use of idioms of genre that can affect the addition of worship. Once any music genre can be used in worship in a charismatic church. There are three aspects to the msuknya music kompeller in the church kharismatik antaralain; Subject, Mediator and Congregation (Audience). These three aspects are very very important in the development of music that is present in the charismatic church today
Adorno Theodor W. ‘On Popular Music’, Essays on Music. Berkeley, Los Angeles,London: University of California Press.
Butler, Melvin L. Musical Style and Experience in a Brooklyn Pentecostal Church:An "Insider's" Perspective. New York: Trustees of Columbia University.
Cloud,David. The TransformationalPower Contemporarty Praise Music. London. Bethel Baptist Print
Cory McKay. History of American Jazz by Sharp, Snyder & Hischke.Canada. Departments of Music and Computer Sains University of Guelph.
Davis, Francis. The History of the Blues: The Root, The Music, The People.USA. Da Capo Press. Gioia, Ted. The JHistory of Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press New York.
Roxborogh ,John.The Charismatic Movement And The Churches. Canada. Methodist Aldersgate
Renewal Fellowship.
Komisi Liturgi dan Musik Sinode GKI. Musik dalam Ibadah.Jakarta; Grafika Kreasindo.
McGovern ,Charles F. Sold American: Consumption and Citizenship, 1890–1945. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press,
Sooy, Mark S. Essays on Marthin Luther’s Theology Music; USA. Blue Maroon Inc.
Charles F. McGovern, Associate Professor of American Studies and History, Director of Graduate
Studies - American Studies Program, College of William and Mary.
Community Bible Church Music Philosophy, Particularly helpful were the philosophy statements of
Bob Jones University.
ConcordiaTheologicalQuarterly Journal, Volume 51 Number 1. January 1987.