Effectiveness Inquiry learning strategiesAbstract
Research on the Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Strategies in General Psychology Subjects at the Alfa Omega Christ Theology College Semarang for the 2020/2021 academic year aims to describe how effective the inquiry learning strategy is in the General Psychology course at STT KAO so that the quality of learning can be improved because according to starategi experts Inquiry learning is a learning strategy that can increase the activeness and abilities of students in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The method used in this research is quantitative with descriptive type. Based on the results of the research that has been done, the effectiveness of the Inquiry Learning Strategy in General Psychology Subjects at the Alfa Omega Christ Theology College Semarang Academic Year 2020/2021 is not in the high category because Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This is evidenced by the calculated t value is greater than the t table price, namely 7.6> 1.729, which means that the research hypothesis is not proven.
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